Sunday, March 25, 2012

Estella in Concert....Encore!

(videos: 3.6.12)

Kitchen Goblin

"I didn't do it - She did it!"


(pictures: 3.3.12)

Art project with Mama

Home-made play dough:

(pictures: 3.3.12)

Growing up too fast...

Who does she think she is...wearing a spring dress, walking in high heel shoes and checking her cell phone???

(pictures: 2.23.12)

Granddaddy Time

Who do you call when you want to read a Spanish book and play on the playground...that's right, Granddaddy!

(pictures: 2.12.12, 3.8.12)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Christmas baking with Papa

Estella loves to help out in the kitchen...

Papa measures and she adds each ingredient to the bowl...

She tests for quality assurance...

but sometimes too much of a good thing ends in a tummy ache!

(pictures: 12.23.11)

Grandma and Grandpa come to visit!

Being SILLY - dressing up in necklaces - coloring - puzzles - reading books - and spending time with Grandma & Grandpa are just a few of Estella's favorite things.

(pictures: 11.24.11)

Milestones: 2 years old - Potty Training

We knew Estella would be up for the on her 2nd birthday we started Potty Training. She loved her little potty and especially the cracker treats she earned after every successful trip to the bathroom!

One month into the process she's been able to keep her panties dry and clean throughout the day even at school. We are VERY proud of Estella and love having a lot less diapers to change!

Estella's taken this potty training to a new more baby potty! She's graduated to the big potty and even finds a way to read books and do puzzles while sitting on the potty ~ unbelievable!

Check out my panties and my muscles too!

(pictures: 11.23.11, 2.16.12, 2.24.12)