Friday, March 22, 2013

Vivi's first list of major milestones: Weeks 14-22

14 Weeks : Vivi rolls over!
  16 Weeks : Vivi moves into her own room!

18 Weeks : More cuteness!
19 Weeks : Vivi does push-ups!

21 Weeks : More cuteness!
22 Weeks: Vivi sits with support!
 (pictures: 12.21.12 - 2.6.13)

Sister Fun!

I spy sweet and silly...these pictures say it all!

(pictures: 12.21.12 - 1.13.13)

Vivienne's 1st Christmas

A Very Merry Christmas, 2012

Ready - Set - 3!

Estella loves to jump and starts gymnastics...

 She LOVES to snuggle and play with her amigos...

 Likes squishy math, space science, music and writing her letters...

and don't forget about art!

or her love of Max and taking care of Blueberry Babydoll like Mama cares for Vivi...what a sweetheart!

(pictures: 12.16.12 - 1.29.13)

Strike a pose

(pictures: 12.1.12)

Growing like a weed!

We measure Estella's height every 6 months and mark it on the bookcase that Papa built for her! 

(pictures: 11.24.12)